HEXUM Gas Storage cPlc.

The storage facility of HEXUM was founded in 2006 with a special strategic storage mandate. Within its sole facility of 1.9 bcm working gas capacity it has dual operations. HEXUM separately operates a strategic storage activity with a maximum size of 1.2 bcm capacity and a commercial storage activity for the remaining 0.7 bcm working gas capacity. Due to this specialty, the operation of HEXUM has to meet various regulatory requirements, and has to manage separately the different types of storage activities. A further specialty of the facility is a production site interconnection that has to be managed through physical and buffer management.

As HEXUM is also a commercial storage site it faces the recent challenges of European storage operators: increasing competition and the need to be more market oriented, providing more flexible services.

Being the IT platform provider of HEXUM since 2010, we continuously support them. Our platform helps HEXUM to successfully fulfil their strategic storage duties and in the same time be an on-the-edge storage service provider on the competitive flexibility market.

With our solution HEXUM can assist clients in the long and short term balancing of their portfolio, to adapt quickly to market changes. Our software enables flexible definition and handling of the capacity products (e.g. time-frames, allocation, pricing, directions) and provides flexibility in the setting and operation of daily processes (nomination/renomination: windows, directions).