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  • Balance is everything

    A major disadvantage of an increasing share of renewable energy is that periods of low wind or solar production must be compensated for in order to keep the grid in equilibrium. If this is not succ…

  • Liftoff for cloud services

    Planning an IT project in 2022 is unthinkable without considering cloud computing and the opportunities it offers. Everyone involved in project planning must be familiar with cloud technology and i…

  • Tensions are high

    Ever since the introduction of more and more new technologies and corresponding policy changes, the entire energy industry seems to be in constant turmoil. Especially the trend towards a more liber…

  • Getting the energy sector into shape

    “Change is inevitable. Change is constant,” Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister in the late 19th century once said in a speech. And while he meant change in politics, his words hold true for…