BAL NC-OS is designed for natural gas markets that are introducing or upgrading market-based operation in balancing with the aim of gradual evolution towards a full market-based balancing regime.
We recommend our BAL NC-OS solutions for:
- EU Member State countries who opted for an interim period in Balancing Network Code implementation.
- Energy Community Member countries who wish to implement solutions compliant with EU regulations.
- Countries in the rest of the world who are in an initial phase of market opening and wish to build up a liquid short-term market and market-based balancing regime.
BAL NC-OS full-scale solution acknowledges the fact that a natural gas market opening and development has different phases; it takes time for a short-term balancing market to become mature.
Therefore, we provide a Balancing Platform as an interim tool and a Trading Platform for mature short-term markets.
BAL NC-OS provides a real, competitive, transparent and EU-compliant market environment for all players, allowing them to easily control the ergonomically designed user interfaces without any special market experience and IT knowledge.
Balancing Platform Features
- Products:
- Both standard and flexibly defined energy (and reserve) products that are tailored for TSO's special balancing needs
- Capacity products: the Platform can optionally be extended to also serve as a Secondary Capacity Platform
- Imbalance settlement product: the Platform also provides a neat and simple solution for the daily and monthly imbalance settlement between the TSO and network users
- Features supporting the TSO:
- Capacity checking
- Monitoring of nomination requirements related to the Platform trades.
- Imbalance settlement price calculation.
- Financial Settlement Support: third party data management, limit checks, generating settlement data and calculating market reference prices.
Our innovation award winning BAL NC-OS product leads you through the whole balancing market evolution process. It provides a step-by-step guide from the setting up of the Balancing Platform to the introduction of trading products, and to the final implementation of a Trading Platform.
With the knowledge of Hungarian and Croatian system development, accompanied with our current developing project of the Ukrainian balancing system, we are equipped with all the necessary regulatory, energy market, and IT knowledge you need to meet the Balancing Network Code’s requirements.