Storage-OS is designed to fully support the operation of power batteries or natural gas storage. Its powerful and cutting-edge functionalities cover all the daily operational needs of storage operators and satisfy the applicable EU and local regulations. Storage users get easy and user-friendly interfaces to handle daily procedures and to manage their inventories so storage can be leveraged to its full potential.
Storage-OS is not only able to meet the requirements of commercial power battery optimisation or gas storage but it is also capable of coping with the business processes of the Power Balancing Market (ancillary services), as well as National Gas Reserve management. The system handles the commercial and strategic storage reserves separately, even though these reserves are in the same reservoir.
Storage-OS has been used in Hungary for underground gas storage (UGS) since 2010 to successfully manage the 1.2 billion m3 of strategic and 700 million m3 commercial natural gas reserves, as well as for a 5 MW power battery since 2017. The solution was also implemented in Croatia in 2014, where the newly implemented multiplayer business model required some powerful software to manage the 500 million m3 of commercial natural gas capacity.
Core features at a glance
Daily calculation of the available storage load level, manual intervention capability to control the daily maximum load level, daily calculation of available storage capacities with storage portal publication.
Handling different kinds of contracts (storage, sale and purchase contracts) and capacity products (firm, interruptible, daily etc.) and also ensuring an automatic sales procedure of non-nominated capacities.
Recording daily and weekly nominations, performing business checks, providing the possibility of automatic or manual nomination acceptance and rejection. Nomination summary, daily storage load calculation and storage forecasting are also available. Storage even handles automatic operative matching with the TSO.
Receiving allocation data (daily and monthly) from TSO application. Automatic allocation of quantity distributed to contracts, compilation of daily, monthly, and free-choice period gas trading accounts and statements, also with the management of modified records.
All balance movements are based on measurements. Separate register of mobile and buffer gas inventories. Production of balance reports for optional intervals.
All balance movements are made automatically according to the allocations with multi-level inventory management and reporting.
Maintenance of storage operation parameters and storage profiles, open/close national power or gas reserve and managing authorizations, open renomination sessions, managing storage schedule.
Maintenance and emergency task management and calculation of their influence on capacity.
Continuous and ad hoc data service for the NRA, ACER, the connecting TSO, GSE and storage customers.
Prepare your billing process and carry out invoicing with Invoicing-OS.