Capacity Auctioning-OS is a leading-edge online capacity booking platform which supports capacity allocation on the cross-border interconnection points of the European Union. It helps participants of the gas market to acquire the necessary amount of capacity via consequent auctions.
Capacity Auctioning-OS fulfills the requirements laid down in Regulation 984/2013 (Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code) in a user-friendly and cost-efficient way, and it supports the integration of the gas market.
Core features at a glance
Based on the rules described in CAM NC, Gas Capacity Auctioning-OS offers the possibility to adjacent TSO members or other system operators to offer their capacity jointly in auctions in the form of bundled firm or interruptible capacity. The application also enables the run of unbundled firm or interruptible capacities by the same TSO member(s) or other system operators.
Gas Capacity Auctioning-OS offers an opportunity to allocate non-standard capacity products according to CAM NC.
Capacity Auctioning-OS makes it also possible to conditionally allocate parallel offer levels according to the CAM NC auction mechanisms.
It ensures the potential to trade allocated capacities on a bilateral (over-the-counter) basis.
Capacity Auctioning-OS provides comprehensive support of the congestion management procedures (surrender and buy back).