Capacity and Market Management Platforms
We don’t just deliver an IT platform for the system operators of the energy market; with our unique energy market expertise we support them through the changing regulatory and market environment, arming them with on-the-edge solutions to become virtuoso conductors of the markets.
Storage is our expertise
Today the quality of storage service greatly depends on the IT solution it applies.
Storage is an essential facility on the natural gas market. As the market opens up, storage should become an open access platform that serves the flexibility needs of market participants in a transparent and non-discriminatory way. Furthermore, as competition on the flexibility market increases, storage has to keep up with the challenge, providing more and more innovative products and customer-friendly service. These all are rooted in IT.
With our experience in implementing storage IT platforms in three countries, Croatia, Hungary, Ukraine, we truly know the specialties of the natural gas storage business. Our storage solutions are unique in providing flexible configuration of the nomination process, handling virtual storage groups, security stocks and biogas certificates, and can be deployed in any kind of operations infrastructure setup.
Decade-long experience in natural gas transmission system operation
For many years we have advised on how the Third Energy Package and the related Network Codes CAM NC, BAL NC, INT NC, and TAR NC can be implemented at the TSO level, and how these legal requirements can be supported with efficient and innovative IT solutions in Hungary, Ukraine, and Bulgaria. Our Balancing Platform IT solution, for example, received the Annual Innovation Award from the Hungarian Innovation Agency in 2012.
Another outstanding result of our cooperation with the regional system operators is the Regional Booking Platform (RBP) that is used by 8 TSOs in the Southeastern European region. The platform enables CAM NC-compliant capacity auctioning on the interconnection points of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania, and Slovakia, as well as domestic point capacity auctioning in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.
Available modules cover capacity management, nomination, re-nomination, matching, allocation and settlement-related tasks: