The three Baltic power transmission system operators (TSOs) entrusted Navitasoft to deliver and maintain a new transparency dashboard solution, which provides Baltic balancing market participants one-stop shopping: a complete set of data on the regional market in one location. Besides data required by EU energy legislation related to generation, load, transmission and balancing available through the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform, the dashboard enables voluntarily reported data publication by the Baltic TSOs in a single location. This simplifies finding needed information or getting a clear picture of status. Earlier market participants had to collect the data on their own at ENTSO-E Transparency Platform, individual TSO websites, Baltic balancing dashboard and Nord Pool website. Since summer 2021 they can find all of it on the new dashboard.
About AS Augstsprieguma tikls (AST)
AS Augstsprieguma tikls (AST) is an independent transmission system operator in the Republic of Latvia, engaged in providing electric power transmission network services and ensuring balancing and stability within the transmission network.
The electric power transmission network consists of interconnected networks and equipment, including cross-border connections with voltages of and above 110kV, which are used to transmit electric power from the producers of electric power to the relevant distribution network or end-users.