The energy trading industry has changed dramatically in recent years with the advent of renewable energy sources and the global energy crisis, leading to more volatile and complex markets. This lea...
For decades now, the Baltic region was the first one to adapt quickly to the numerous changes in the gas market, with developments such as the Common Zone platform and the addition of GIPL and Balt...
In 2015, the EU Commission Regulation established a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules, defining AS4 (Applicability Statement 4) as the protocol for document-based data exchan...
It may not be bigger than a mid-sized European city when you look at its population, but Estonia can pride itself on being one of the most innovative countries in Europe. Indeed, according to the E...
The world is facing a serious climate crisis, which demands action from all of us. There are many things we can do to be part of the solution: transform our transportation, switch to zero-carbon en...