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  • Balancing the grid with offshore wind

    Offshore wind can balance the grid. Yes, you read that right.

    People often sniff at wind power, saying that it's not reliable, but a pilot project carried out in Denmark last year showed...

  • Algorithms take the wheel

    “Producers get more money and consumers pay less for their electricity,” Hendrik Vollrath, senior algorithmic power trader at RWE Supply & Trading GmbH, sums up the chief benefits of algo-tradi...

  • Ways to get electrified

    Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, “The future is green energy, sustainability, renewable energy.” It isn’t his most famous quote - that distinction goes to “I’ll be back,” or possibly “Hasta la vist...

  • One-stop shop for transparency data

    What do your customers value most? Whether your answer is value for money and/or quality of service, the three Baltic power TSOs mastered both. Power Transmission System Operators are obliged under...

  • Architecture for the future

    Could the engineers of the Egyptian pyramids possibly have foreseen that the monumental structures would survive several millennia? Or that their extraordinary skill and craft would inspire future...