A look back at 2021 - and what the next year has in store

Knowing that this blog post would be published during the festive season, we desperately wanted to avoid using the word ‘pandemic.’ As you can see, we couldn’t. The coronavirus stayed with us throughout 2021, so we had no choice but to spend another year working remotely, with very few customer visits or international events. Even though we had already adapted to what people kept referring to as “the new normal”, we can’t say we will think back fondly to those days of very little human contact and social interaction.

However, every cloud has a silver lining, as they say. The changed circumstances made it clear that in the energy industry, just like in most other sectors, digitalization is the way forward. Similarly to last year, 2021 saw an increasing number of companies embrace the use of digital technologies to change business models and provide new opportunities, and some businesses have been able to achieve more in the past couple of years than ever before. 

On a more personal note, despite 2021 being yet another challenging year, our company kept growing. We entered two new market areas (Finland and Ireland) and new customers from Croatia and Finland started using AS4-CS, part of our Communicator Suite. Looking ahead, we can see the opportunities the future has in store for system operators, owners of distributed energy resources and energy communities - if they maintain their focus on decentralized energy.

The changes over the past two years have made everyone realize that the resumption of “business as usual” is not only difficult to envisage, but would in fact lead to stagnation. What we need instead are new approaches, procedures and regulations across the entire energy industry to make it more efficient, sustainable and democratic.

We’re certain that with you as customers, partners and friends, who share our vision, we will be able to reach our common goal. And we hope that we will finally have the chance to see you again in the flesh next year.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous new year full of exciting challenges and opportunities.