Boosting renewables, better protecting consumers and enhancing industrial competitiveness - these are the three aims the European Commission defined in its proposed reform of the EU electricity mar...
What makes the transition to a green future so exciting is that everyone can play an active role in it. Unlike in the past when electricity was delivered from only a handful of producers through a...
In 2022, the news that dominated the headlines gave us no reason to celebrate. In fact, they triggered many challenges for us and the entire industry. However, behind the major negative headlines t...
In 2015, the EU Commission Regulation established a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules, defining AS4 (Applicability Statement 4) as the protocol for document-based data exchan...
Of all the changes taking place within the energy sector this year - and there have been plenty - the fact that live events made a comeback is without a doubt one of the most welcome. E-world retur...