Despite its size, Estonia prides itself on being a leader in digital innovation, and Elering, the country’s transmission system operator (TSO) for electricity and natural gas, is also at the forefront of the digital transformation. The company can look back on years of successful collaboration with Navitasoft.
Our first joint project dates back to 2019, when Elering - and Latvian natural gas TSO Conexus Baltic Grid - partnered up with us to have a common transmission and balancing services platform developed for the Baltic market scalled Common Zone. It enables nomination, allocation, capacity management and balancing operations in a single integrated way. In early 2023 we entered into an agreement with Elering that allows us to continue improving the platform for another 36 months.
#1 In 2021, we won a second tender with Elering and the two other power TSOs from the Baltic region, Latvia’s AST and Lithuania’s Litgrid. We contributed to the update of the Baltic Transparency Dashboard, which the three TSOs had created to have a single source of data publications on power markets, by delivering a new architecture and visualization of the platform.
#2 We completed our “Elering hat-trick” in the spring of 2022, when the TSO contracted us to improve its Meter Data Management (MDM) system. The challenge there was to extend the already existing functionalities in the operator’s MDM gas and electricity systems as well as to make new developments that could secure an overall improvement of both systems.
Power & Gas
Our fourth project with Elering followed only a month later. We were tasked with providing the new architecture and technology for Estfeed Datahub, enabling the operator to switch to a more flexible, microservice-based architecture concept that would make versatile data exchange possible for electricity and gas markets and other energy types, too.
About Elering
Elering AS is an Estonian electricity and gas transmission system operator (TSO) that connects producers, network operators and consumers, and combines them into a unified whole. A fully operational integrated system is also important for end consumers because only that can guarantee high-quality energy supply at reasonable costs, which is one of Elering’s major objectives.
The Estonian electricity system is connected via cross-border lines to Finland, Latvia and Russia. The transmission network comprises about 5,500 kilometers of transmission lines and 150 substations.
The gas transmission network consists of a nearly 900-kilometer-long gas pipeline, three gas metering stations and almost 40 gas distribution stations. The network is connected to the Finnish, Latvian and Russian gas systems.